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Testimonials for Ultimate Feline

"... significantly lessened her obsessive scratching ..."

"I was not expecting to see any improvements for at least four weeks, as I had read. After less than two weeks our cat KeeKee has significantly lessened her obsessive scratching due to her allergies. Can't wait to see what another few weeks will accomplish!"

Jan Aguilera, Fairfield CA
"... my cats all had such silky fur, it was incredible! ..."

"About four days after I started using the Cat Supplement my cats all had such silky fur, it was incredible! We have 7 older cats, two with arthritis for sure. Since they have been eating (and they all love it) the supplement they have been moving around a lot more and actually are acting a lot younger. Schreech, who has bad arthritis, has finally been getting up, walking around and moving more fluidly. I can't thank you enough for putting out such a great formula for cats and I will definitely be getting it with the automatic renewal system so I don't run out again.

Thank you so much,"

Carole Simcox, BC Canada
"... he eats with enthusiasm and finished the food ..."

"I have just ordered the Ultimate Feline Health Formula but have already witnessed that this product truly enhance my cat's appetite. One of my old cats is a finicky eating cat..but when I sprinkled the product on top of his food..he eats with enthusiasm and finished the food. I know this is just the beginning of my good journey with the product. Thanks Dr. Jones..More power. Until the next order. "

Ma. Dolores Labiosm, Philippines / Metro Manila
"... start licking the supplement powder off the food ..."

"Your feline supplement is the first and only supplement of any kind that my cats have actually eaten. Many available supplements promise great benefits to your pets health but how can they if the animal simply will not eat it? My cats actually jump up to the counter when I am preparing their meals and adding the scoop of supplement to the dishes and start licking the supplement powder off the food before I can mix it into the food. Another of my cats is forever trying to stick his head into the jar when I open it attempting to get a lick of the supplement right from the source! I have spent so much money on a great many supplements hoping for just some improvement but the cats know something has been added and stubbornly refuse to even taste the food then. Adding this supplement 'Dr Jones Ultimate cat supplement' to their meals every day has changed my cats coats into the soft silky shiny coats I thought only those who showed their cats in cat shows knew how to get! I thought it was a secret from bathing and shampooing frequently and therefore out of my reach since my cats do not care for a bath!

As for the canine ultimate canine supplement my little dog who came as an obviously neglected animal for apparently his entire life has been transformed. He had so many issues worst of all was his terrible arthritis. I really feared his end was near when some days he could not even take a couple steps without falling over. He has been on medical treatment for a year at least with no real improvement. Adding the canine ultimate supplement has given him a new chance. He is now walking and even running around playing with the cats he jumps and one can see he clearly feels much better he looks happy! Dr Jones supplement really saved his life. He still runs more like a rabbit he hops and sometimes seems to walk crooked or lopsided but still at least he is once again mobile and obviously enjoying his life again. Additionally his problems with hemorhagic colitis have stopped and he has normal bm every day. No more diarrhea no dripping of blood he even started to put back on a bit of the weight he lost. Now this stuff is truly a miraculous life saving nutraceutical and not just for my dog but for others I have told about it as well. "

AJ Hubeny, Connecticut
"... coats are shiny and their eyes are bright ..."

"I'd like to express my thanks for your amazing feline supplement. My 2 cats are now 10 years old yet they are playful and alert. Their coats are shiny and their eyes are bright. Even my fussy female has become eager to receive her food now that I add your daily supplement. They love the taste and I love the way it is keeping them lively and healthy! Thank you for a great feline supplement! "

Carole Alexander, NY
"... started him on Feline supplement last month and his skin and coat look better than ever ..."

"My long haired cat Max had a skin disorder where he would scab up over his entire body. I took him to the vet who gave him Ivermectin which did no good at all, then a shot of Cortisone which cleared him up. This was the third shot of Cortisone this year and I feared for liver and kidney damage from giving him the steroids. I started him on Feline supplement last month and his skin and coat look better than ever, bonus, my old cat Smokey and my old cat Gypsy eat it too and their coats have gotten very soft, they also seem to be perkier. Smokey is 16 and Gypsy is about 14 or 15-they are much more active now. I also feed them Halo kibble and Friskies wet food so they are pretty healthy anyway, but the supplement has improved all of them tremendously. If you want to publish that it is fine-I love the articles that Dr. Jones sends me and I have downloaded everything that he said I could have for free. It is a blessing that he is around. I think highly of him and his advice to pet owners. I hope and pray that he gets reinstated as a licensed vet, the animals and people need him and I wish there were someone like him here in Florida."

Paula P., Florida
"... After about 7 days or so on the supplement his sneezing and nasal discharge stopped almost completely ..."

"As you know, I had ordered a jar some time ago and used it for my cat that has quite serious upper respiratory problems. At the time I started him on the supplement, I knew he needed anti-biotic to stop the infection in his sinuses, etc. Instead, I tried the supplement. After about 7 days or so on the supplement his sneezing and nasal discharge stopped almost completely. He has been doing very well ever since. I now feel that I must continue this for him as it is much better for him than the meds. he was on before. He really is a different cat while on that supplement.

Thanks for your help.

(Added:) His upper respiratory condition is chronic. This cat is 8 years old and has been on anti biotics on and off all his life. I am just so delighted that now he can take something that is safe and beneficial for his health. He plays again and is much happier (of course) now that he doesn't have a constant headache and blistered nose."

Nancy C., Manitoba Canada
"... moving so much better ..."

"My older (picky picky) cat, Honeybear, is moving so much better in the few weeks he's decided to eat his wet food with the supplement. He's back to chasing the kitten, trying hard to keep up with her. They both are doing well and loving their new routine! Thanks so much."

Andrea F., Chicago, Il
"... For the first time in at least 10 years, she started batting at an ornament! ..."

"Nutmeg (age 14) took a few days to warm up to the supplement. I free feed her kibble, so I couldn't just put it on her food. She won't eat people food or any canned food I've tried, and will only eat one or two treats at a time, but she LOVES to lick the powder off Cheetos, Doritos, etc. So, I put some supplement on my finger and she licked it off. Once she got the taste, she was hooked. Now she asks for it, and will lick up an entire scoop off the lid of the jar. After about a week, I saw her start to play wrestle with a dog toy. She has never played with anything but a string. Then, I saw her prowling under the Christmas tree. She loves to lay under there as most cats do. For the first time in at least 10 years, she started batting at an ornament! I just about cried. Nutmeg is very arthritic in her front legs--she can hardly move sometimes. I got doggie steps for our bed, because she was just falling off rather than jumping off (couldn't catch herself) to get down. "

Lori & Nutmeg, Indiana
"... jump up on the porch banister railing and even start to chase the other cats ..."

"I was very impressed with the teleconference of the Ultimate Feline Supplement that Dr. Jones gave awhile back so thought I would buy a sample of it to try it out. As a cat owner, I wasn't sure what vitamins worked what joints in my cats or what they were lacking in their diet so the teleconference was very informative for me.

After trying the Ultimate Feline Supplement I was really surprised to see our 5 year old Scotty, our heaviest cat (orange & white in photo attached) jump up on the porch banister railing and even start to chase the other cats about! Wow! Big change there. Then Dutch, our 10 year old tabby who is a real lap cat, one day jumped up on my lap and I noticed that there were no dried flakes or dandruff on him. Hmmm. How did THAT happen? Must be the water! Just kidding.

All of our cats (and you are missing one in the photo--Jessie..black Egyptian Mao) have heightened energy and awareness so as a Animal Reiki Master I am thrilled to pieces. I've passed on the good word too to family and friends with pets. Great stuff!
Thank you Dr. Jones! Keep up the good work!

Blessings, "

Marg Churchill, Animal Reiki, Ottawa, Canada
"... cats are eating better, have much more energy and are not getting hair balls or vomiting ..."

"...I ordered three of the cat supplements and it is a wonderful product. My cats are eating better, have much more energy and are not getting hair balls or vomiting. Even in this hot weather they are running around the house and playing. It is great to see them feeling so energetic and healthy. I will definitely be back to order more... "

Cynthia Ishkanian, Wyoming
"...this cat supplement has literally been a life saver for my cat..."

"First of all, let me say that this cat supplement has literally, been a life saver for my cat.
She is 16 and in the early stages of Renal failure. Since a kitten she has never liked canned food. The only wet food she will eat is tuna or white fish and now she can not have either of those because of the phosphorous levels.
She tolerated the dry renal diet for a month, and then wouldn't eat it, as it is so bland. I was at my wits end, and had to let her have a little fish, just to kick start her appetite.
Now however, she eats it with gusto, ONLY when it has the supplement mixed in! I am so impressed with this, that I am going to post about it on a very good feline CRF website. As many cat owners on this site are having this same problem, and I am going to point them in your direction!
So please tell Andrew that he is now officially my hero !!


Suki, my cat is now eating more and even putting on some of the weight she had lost with her renal failure. She is certainly 100% more active, and is now out and about all day and night ! She is even hunting again, and bringing me little gifts, Oh my!

Only comes in to eat and have a brief nap, she is a new cat, and at 16 with renal failure, that is something of a miracle. All thanks to the new supplement, I am delighted!

Kind Regards, "

Sandra B.
St Peter, Jersey
"...After 1-1/2 weeks it was like night and day. She plays with her toys again and is vocal again..."

"Hello Dr. Andrew & Staff,
My cat is 7-years old. For the last 11 to 12 months she had been losing energy, gaining weight, fur looking dull and dry. However the last five months the weight gain as been rapid all she did was sleep, eat and make a few trips to the litter box , that's it. She has always had dry kibble down and ate as often as she wanted/needed (I have always put exactly 1-cup down every day) and she drank large amounts of water. She just looked sick.
So I ordered the supplement and changed from dry kibble to canned food. Within 3 days I saw great improvement. (I know it was the Supplement) After 1-1/2 weeks it was like night and day. She plays with her toys again and is vocal again. She has energy, fur looks sleek and she has slimmed down a little. She even "tries" to catch birds again, she has not done that in over 1-1/2 years.
I have not seen her drink any water though (it is there if she wants). The can food does have gravy/liquid in it. It is amazing to me the difference those two changes made.
Thank you very much for your help. And thank you for making the Supplement.

Friendly regards,"

Debra Delamorton
Citrus Heights, CA
"...She's happy, purrs almost all the time, stays out and about more and her arthritis is so much better..."

"Her blood work was great. Even a bit better than 2 months ago, She's happy, purrs almost all the time, stays out and about more and her arthritis is so much better. Plus she likes the taste and is eating better. I have been adjusting her tapazole so that may have some bearing but I credit the Ultimate Formula with at least helping with her arthritis. More improvement for her than other products I have tried.
Thanks to you both,"

Rebecca A
"...my two cats LOVE the cat powdered supplement..."

"Yes... my two cats LOVE the cat powdered supplement and I KNOW THEY SEE IT AS A TREAT!!! As soon as I spoon it onto a plate to mix it with their food they come running and lap it up ALONE before I can mix it with their food! How funny! Thx for making such great products! My two "boys" thank you as well! "

Jenna R.
Trafford, Pennsylvania
"...the changes in my beloved kitty are amazing..."

"Dear Dr. Jones,
Thank you so much for the opportunity to share the results of your new feline supplement. Without getting too lengthy or boring, let me just say the change in my beloved kitty are amazing. He is a senior and O sure a bit overweight. I knew he acted uncomfortable and displayed all the symptoms you mentioned for arthritis. He was sleeping a good part of the day and when he was awake didn't move around too much. I get your newsletter daily which has taught me so much... (thank you for sharing your wisdom and knowledge) I knew you had a new feline formula coming and anxiously watched for the chance to purchase it...which I did. To date he is walking better (before it was a few steps then sit ...a few more then sit), is awake and sociable and just generally seems to feel better.
When you know your pet, you just KNOW the difference when they are feeling well or not. Also, he is a finicky eater....he would live on tuna if I let him. I don't, just for the record (: ANYTHING (such as fish oil) I would add to his food was rejected. I worried that your supplement would generate the same reaction. It didn't!! I felt so confident the ingredients making up the formula were what he needed and thankfully so far, it looks like it is exactly! I healed my pet at home....with your help of course. Thank you a hundred times! Sincerely,"

Valerie Tedder (and Bones)
Port Charlotte, Fl.
"...My older (picky picky) cat, Honeybear, is moving so much better..."

"I would like to say thanks again for the great formula. My older (picky picky) cat, Honeybear, is moving so much better in the few weeks he's decided to eat his wet food with the supplement. He's back to chasing the kitten, trying hard to keep up with her. They both are doing well and loving their new routine! Thanks so much."

Andrea Faklaris
Chicago, Illinois
"...already seen a tremendous softening of my cats coats..."

"Dear Dr Jones,
Your cat supplement is truly something I never thought I would see. I purchased it and just got my second jar today. I really thought I would add this one to the collection of various cat supplements and additives to enhance their fur, health etc because despite the glowing testimonials on many of them, my cats had yet to eat any thing with such a supplement added to it. They could sniff out the most miniscule amounts and would turn up their noses. So when your supplement came I thought I would have to mix it in very thoroughly to their canned food.
Imagine my surprise when one of my cats hopped up to the counter where I was preparing their meals and was about to mix in the supplement but my cat was licking up the powder before I could mix it in! Then another of my cats was trying to find any bits of the supplement that I missed and were still at the side of the dish. Whatever you use to make it palatable it is wonderful! I have seen or read about some wonderful supplements but what good are they if the cat simply will not eat them and can sniff them out of everything I try to disguise them in! I just read your news letter today about your cat Gussie actually eating it too. So evidently you know about the many finicky felines who wont eat supplements no matter how well intentioned! I have already seen a tremendous softening of my cats coats, and I too have a very arthritic 17 year old female and I will likely be getting a second jar of the supplement to keep upstairs for her, when I tire of carrying the jar upstairs and downstairs and then forget to bring it with me! I just ordered a jar of the dog supplement for a friends dog who also is bothered by severe arthritis, poor fellow and he is on many of the usual conventional meds used in dogs. I am praying that he has a miraculous response to the canine supplement and will make a believer out of another pet owner that holistic is better than strictly conventional medicines, esp. when they don't work after a year! Thank you for all you do for the animals and their guardians too! Kind Regards,"

AJ Hubeny
Windsor, Connecticut